RegTAP ready for RFC?

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Mon Dec 2 06:56:29 PST 2013

Dear Registry WG,

I've updated RegTAP for the SimpleDALRegExt REC (which included two
slight changes in the schema), and I have to say I've run out of
things to wish for as far as the RegTAP spec is concerned.

So, from my point of view I'd be ready for RFC, given that my main
remaining concern -- making queries through the relationships table
easier -- will now be taken care of by keeping, in general,
capabilities and "general" metadata together (rather than, as has
been discussed off and on, pulling apart data and service metadata).

What does everyone else say?

To encourage comments, I took the bold step to mark the current SVN
version PR-21031211 -- which would mean that the thing will have been
gone PR (and hence more or less RFC) by next Wednesday.  The current
text is at

(or as a PDF at

So, if you feel there's a major issue that would keep this thing from
going PR left, could you let me know until then?  Gretchen, provided
nobody protests, would you be ready to go for RFC?

I promise to have a (rough) validation suite ready by the end of
January (unless disaster strikes) if this thing goes to PR this year...



PS: Thanks again to all that contributed.  If any of you feels they
should be acknowledged more explicitely, by all means let me know.
An if I forgot to process some of your input, please remind me what
it was.

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