Registry Relational Schema implementation

Marco Molinaro molinaro at
Thu Apr 11 01:44:38 PDT 2013

Dear ReR-ers,
available at endpoint you can find
a TAP service that acts like a RegTAP registry, i.e. uses the Registry
Relational Schema datamodel (ivo://
That is a support implementation to the proposed 2013-03-05 draft and is
actually a, more or less (I'd say more less than more), updated mirror of
the GAVO registry.
Implementation uses a MySQL server joint with an openCADC-based TAP
implementation (an SQL script for the rr schema creation, in MySQL flavour,
has been uploaded to the RI2Discussion topic on the IVOA wiki) and reflects
completely (I hope) the current registry relational schema requirements.
There are however some known non-compliance issues, mainly on the TAP side:
- SQL concatenation with "||" is at present not supported (you can use
concat in place)
- sub-queries are not supported (sorry, I'll try to fix this, but I don't
think I'll be able to do so before Heidelberg)
- I think there's a problem with timestamps, if you can cross-check this
I'll be glad to you
I'll work on these bugs, but, since I don't think they dramatically block
this registry support implementation from working in search mode I'll
probably give priority in preparing an harvester for this service.
I'm open to suggestions, in any case.

Getting to the resources field, since resource records are not as clean as
we'd like them to be, I experienced some problems in fitting GAVO harvested
resources into the RDB schema, mainly because it is not exactly clear where
NULLs and empty values are allowed from the various Resource extension
(documents and xsd(s)). I think that probably the Interop is the best place
to discuss this point, however, if you are interested in the details I can
reply them here.

Thank you for your attention,
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