standards records in RofR (fwd)

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Tue Apr 2 00:58:21 PDT 2013

Hi Ray, dear Registry WG,

On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 04:18:41PM -0500, Ray Plante wrote:
> Today I published through the Registry of Registries (RofR) the first 
> set of standards resources records, registry records that describe our 
Great!  Let me know if you need help marking up the remaining ones.

> If you already harvest from the RofR, you should receive them on your 
> next harvest.  Let me know if you see any issues or would like to 
> recommend changes.  

Though I suspect that's already fixed somewhere, let me mention as
"problem already reported privately" that, in a harvest as of now
(<responseDate>2013-04-02T07:30:01Z</responseDate>), the prefix used
for is vt rather than,
as strongly recommended in the spec, vstd:

Incidentally, there are schemaLocations missing for VODataService and
StandardsRegExt, and there's a few minor validations problems in a
full harvest, but those are not related to the standards records.

> If you happen to have created a standards record for standard (and I 
> think maybe someone has--I'm looking in your direction, Markus ;-) and 
> would like to get that published, go ahead and send it to me.

Well, if I understand correctly, the RofR should only have only
standards records that are considered going forward to REC, right?
The ivo://org.gavo.dc/misc/tapexamples standard record, on the other
hand, is for an experimental TAP extension and should probably be
superceded by a something in the TAP record if the TAP examples
endpoint makes it into the TAP REC.

So, unless you disagree I'd say the record would stay here.



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