Fwd: search for TAP services in VAO registry from seleste fails - can you press the case for a registry fix?

Arnold Rots ahrots at gmail.com
Wed Oct 24 06:45:30 PDT 2012

For the record; submission to registry at ivoa.net

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Panagoula Zografou <pz at head.cfa.harvard.edu>
Date: Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 6:05 PM
Subject: search for TAP services in VAO registry from seleste fails - can
you press the case for a registry fix?


In seleste we are currently using a static list of TAP services.
This works ok now but we have started work on adding a registry search
so we can get the list to grow dynamically.

In doing so, we took the registry client code from TOPCAT and enhanced it
somewhat for more TAP specific searches in seleste. This client works with
the astrogrid registry but it does not work with the NVO/VAO registry.
So we have a single point failure. When the astrogrid registry goes down
for whatever reason, there is no failover. Also, one would think that the
VAO registry should work anyway regardless of seleste.

I am including a complete problem report from Mike, the summary is that
the registry for TAP services returns an empty list.
Mark Taylor has documented the same problem at
http://www.star.bris.ac.uk/~mbt/topcat/faq.html#Q4.1 as follows:

*Q4.1 I can't find a resource in the NVO/VAO registry from the
Cone/SIA/SSA/TAP window*

 Searching the NVO (a.k.a. VAO) registry at STSci does not, at time of
writing (Mar 2012), work. It claims to support the standard Registry
Interface 1.0 protocol used by TOPCAT, and it used to do so, but since
mid-2010 the service has stopped responding to these queries. Despite
several bug reports and at least one VAO helpdesk ticket no fix has been

Here is Mike's problem report, we'll be happy to send it to anyone that you
could point as a contact.
 Using the endpoint 'http://vao.stsci.edu/directory/ristandardservice.asmx',
the following SOAP request seems to execute successfully but returns 0

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<rs:Search xmlns:rs='http://www.ivoa.net/wsdl/RegistrySearch/v1.0'><rs:Where

<ad:Condition Comparison="=" xsi:type="ad:comparisonPredType">
<ad:Arg Table="" name="@standardID" xpathName="capability/@standardID"
<ad:Arg xsi:type="ad:atomType">
<ad:Literal Value="ivo://ivoa.net/std/TAP" xsi:type="ad:stringType"/>
</rs:Search> </soapenv:Body>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=
numberReturned="0" more="false" xmlns=


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