Question about registry support of general RESTful services.

Matthew Graham mjg at
Wed Jan 4 13:25:54 PST 2012

Hi Theresa,

No, there is not. Certainly a general extension for properly RESTful services would be a good idea.



On Jan 4, 2012, at 1:23 PM, Theresa Dower wrote:

> Is there anywhere in the IVOA standards docs that I've somehow missed for describing generic RESTful services? The ParamHTTP standard doesn’t quite fit for a lot of real-world cases. Beyond expanding queryTypes for ParamHTTP to include UPDATE/DELETE/ETC,  I also mean some kind of  support for parameters that are XML or JSON blobs.  This is already described in a hodgepodge of specialized interfaces for VOSI, TAP, VOSpace, etc, but what about non-standard DataServices? I know I'm out of the loop on some generic registry stuff and may have missed something. If not, I’m beginning to see the need for a general extension for it.
> --Theresa Dower

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