conventions for registering collections

Andy Lawrence al at
Mon Apr 30 11:22:27 PDT 2012


an important topic !

My main comment is that such a discussion should be driven by users : either end users or providers or appplication writers. It needs to be driven by real world experience rather than Registry Philosophy as it were. 

My secondary comment is that this is also about data publication toolkits. They are the places to hold cookbooks / examples of good practice etc. 


Andy Lawrence : Regius Professor of Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
Institute for Astronomy,  Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill, Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ
Email al at   /  Phone +44-(0)131-668-8346  / Skype andyxlawrence
Admin contact : Paula Wilkie 0131-668-8403 paw at
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

On 30 Apr 2012, at 18:33, Ray Plante wrote:

Hi folks,

In Naples, I believe it was, Markus gave a presentation that proposed 
a "best practice" for registering data to the registry.  Based on my 
recent studies of how the registry is used in discovery--and how it 
confuses users--I agree that something like this is needed.  In 
particular, I hope to see us launch a steady migration of our 
registered resources to a common convention so that we can make search 
results more comprehensible to both users and applications.  The first 
step is to decide what that convention should be.  

Therefore, I would like to propose that we put the topic on the RWG 
agenda in Urbana, and I would like to nominate Markus to reprise 
and/or revise his presentation.  Given that he presented this before, 
it might be good to get some pre-discussion going before then.

Ray Plante

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