Use Cases for new Registry search interface

Ray Plante rplante at
Mon Jun 6 07:30:59 PDT 2011

On Mon, 6 Jun 2011, Paul Harrison wrote:
> The issues going forward on this are
> 1. The relational table model that will naturally come out of this will 
>    result in many joins being needed for fairly "simple" queries.   

This is the main difficulty I see with deriving tables from the model as 
it is currently defined.  I would much rather see if we can come up with a 
relational model that is, say, 3 tables big (plus maybe some pre-joined 
views).  This may well be at the expense of certain complex queries (e.g. 
against relationships or contact info in a non-information-losing way) 
that cannot be done.  This simplified model should considered as a TAP 
data model like ObsCore--views against some possibly more complex or 
extended structure underneath.  

Nevertheless, it would be good to exam what comes out of vo-urp.  

> 2. The xml representation of the model from vo-urp will not be exactly 
>    the same as the original schema.  

I don't see a need for changing the XML representation.  Defining a new 
search interface will be disruptive enough.  Adopting a new XML 
representation would essentially mean throwing away most of the 
infrastructure we have built and have been using successfully.


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