Differing registries, and dates

Ray Plante rplante at poplar.ncsa.uiuc.edu
Thu Apr 1 12:43:01 PDT 2010

Hi Markus,

First, thanks for pointing this out.  I've done some initial 
investigation, with some conclusions, but there is definitely a problem.

Second, I wanted to concur with what Paul responded with.  While the 
registry spec does not specify this explicitly, the oai update date should 
be identical to the update date in the VOResource record; the definitions 
of each imply this.  And certainly, the US registries implement this 

When I use the OAI ListIdentifiers, I find 3348 identifiers that EuroVO 
has that STScI does not; however, when I searched for a random sampling of 
these via the interactive web form at http://nvo.stsci.edu/vor10/, their 
records were returned.  Thus, it appears that STScI indeed has these 
identifiers but is not emitting them via the ListIdentifiers operation. 
Also, I noticed that STScI was returning 2630 duplicated identifiers via 
this operation.

When I use the OAI ListIdentifiers at Euro-VO, it was missing 64 
identifiers returned by STScI.  However, my randomly selected subset did 
not show up while searching via the Euro-VO form at 
http://registry.euro-vo.org/search.jsp, suggesting that they really do not 
exist in the underlying database.


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