Registry Sessions in Trieste

Ray Plante rplante at
Fri May 2 08:03:18 PDT 2008

Hi RWGers,

I would like to get from you any requests for presentations during our 
registry sessions in Trieste.  We have three Registry session scheduled 
plus one joint session, and here are the topics:

    Reg 1:  Integration and Interoperability (Mon, 14.30)
               We will discuss issues related to the recent switch to v1.0
    Reg 2:  Registry Schema Extensions  (Tue, 11.00)
    Reg/DAL/GWS:  VOSI/getCapabilities()
    Reg 3:  Future Directions in Registries and Discovery  (Fri, 9.00)

In particular, Session 3 on future directions is fairly open right now.

Please note that I, unfortunately, am not able to attend Trieste due to 
another commitment.  Aurelien Stebe, the WG vice-chair will moderate the 


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