updated SSA schema for the registry

Doug Tody dtody at nrao.edu
Thu Feb 28 06:49:34 PST 2008

Hi Ray -

> My only comment is with regard to maxFileSize.  Bytes was chosen as the units
> for consistency with the SIA resource schema.  I think your reasoning is good
> too and am happy to go with this; however, we should keep a mental sticky
> about this when we do SIA v2.0.  We might consider revising that schema to use
> kilobytes as well.

This is the plan.  The idea has been to use bytes only for actual sizes,
and kilobytes for estimates.  People were just uncomfortable giving
estimated sizes in a precision unit.

The only remaining reservation I had about the schema was
maxSearchRadius.  These services actually all use POS, which is
a diameter not a radius, so this is inconsistent with the service
being described.  I did not change this in the schema as I suspect
there are reasons for using a radius at this level for uniformity
across all services, others of which (eg cone) may use radius.

	- Doug

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