Harvesting stylesheet

Matthew Graham mjg at cacr.caltech.edu
Thu Feb 28 00:05:22 PST 2008


Partially to prove that it can be done, I've written an XSLT  
stylesheet that will harvest from all registries in the Registry of  
Registries and then write each resource record out to a separate file  
with each registry having its own directory. Oh and it's only 81 lines  

The registry directories are named by the server part of their access  
URL so, for example, records from  http://msslxv.mssl.ucl.ac.uk:8080/astrogrid-registry/OAIHandlerv1_0 
  live in the directory msslxv.mssl.ucl.ac.uk.

The files corresponding to resource records are named according to  
their IVORNs except that '/' in the IVORN are replaced with '_' so:  
ivo://mssl.ucl.ac.uk/community/test.xml gets stored as  

To run it, you'll a XSLT 2.0-capable XSL engine - I recommend Saxon.  
Using this, the command to harvest is:

java -jar /path/to/saxon8.jar -it main autoharvest.xsl

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