multiple capabilities of the same kind

Doug Tody dtody at
Fri Feb 15 10:30:49 PST 2008

There are three possibilities:

    o	Two separate resources, each with one SIA capability, one for
	"archival", the other for "cutout".

    o	Two separate SIA capabilities for the same resource, one for
	"archival", the other for "cutout".

    o	A single SIA capability for a single resource, which can
	return either archival datasets or cutouts, leaving it to
	the client runtime to sort these out.

Either of the first two options is probably preferred.  So long
as service discovery is based upon resource+capability pairings,
it doesn't much matter so far as service discovery and access is
concerned, although it might affect how things look in a registry view.

(Ultimately we will have the generic dataset query as well, which
could also return archival datasets.)

	- Doug

On Fri, 15 Feb 2008, Patrick Dowler wrote:

> On 2008-2-15 07:09, Doug Tody wrote:
> > Another common case might be two (eg) SIA services of different types,
> > e.g., one finds only whole images, the other does cutouts, but they
> > access the same data.
> This was the case I was going to point out, as our services support cutouts 
> but we would like to provide users the option of getting cutouts or complete 
> data files. While we currently do not deploy both services, it would be nice 
> to be able to register everything in a way that makes it clear. 
> I suppose on the SIA registration side there is the "service-for" concept that 
> would be equal for the 2+ SIAs that service the same data.... is that 
> duplicating this same multiplicity Paul is talking about. (Note: I haven't 
> kept up on the "SIA as a capability of a resource" thing).

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