all upgraded pub. registries available

Ray Plante rplante at
Wed Apr 23 20:51:47 PDT 2008

Registry Providers,

Hopefully, I don't actually have to make this announcement, but you (or 
your systems) will already know:  All registries that were scheduled to be 
upgraded for harvesting under the RI v1.0 standard are now available via 
the Registry of Registries; the list of registries is available at  If you run a v1.0 harvester and do not have it 
turned on, I would invite you to do so.

I recommend that you do a fresh, full dump to start with, rather than 
incremental.  One reason for this is that we recommended that publishing 
reigistries need not continue to keep records from their old registry that 
have been marked as deleted.

In the coming weeks, it would be good to keep an eye on our systems and 
spot an potential tpoblemsn.  This way we can discuss the results and 
any problems in Trieste.

thanks to everyone for the big push.  Now let's make sure it works!


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