DAL Presentations at the Trieste Interop

Keith Noddle ktn at star.le.ac.uk
Mon Apr 21 09:14:51 PDT 2008

I'd like to invite people who wish to give presentations at any of the 
DAL sessions in Trieste to get in touch. There are sessions for 
discussing TAP, S*AP, Footprint Services and a joint session with the 
Registry and G&WS Working Groups to discuss items of common interest 
such as VOSI, service metadata, registration metadata etc.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Keith Noddle                    Phone:  +44 (0)116 223 1894
AstroGrid Project manager       Fax:    +44 (0)116 252 3311
Dept of Physics & Astronomy     Mobile: +44 (0)7721 926 461
University of Leicester         Email:  ktn at star.le.ac.uk
Leicester, UK   LE1 7RH         Web:    http://www.astrogrid.org

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