
Paul Harrison pharriso at eso.org
Fri Jun 8 06:48:03 PDT 2007

On 07.06.2007, at 16:43, Ray Plante wrote:

> Hi Guy,
> On Thu, 7 Jun 2007, Guy Rixon wrote:
>> Note how I've had to do the form: qualified by default on the  
>> schema as a whole and unqualified explicitly on the local element  
>> inside the complex type. If I put elementFormDefault="unqualified"  
>> then the schema checker rejects cap:capability, so _it_ think the  
>> default applies to global elements. Maybe it's wrong.
> I believe oXygen is incorrect in this case.  I've studied this  
> pretty closely when we were making the change, but I'd have to go  
> back to the spec to find where this is spelled out.

It is not the only tool that cannot find the correct schema to  
validate against if there is no explicit namespace on the root  
element - eclipse cannot either - which is why I always actually  
produce my example instances with the following schema http:// 
www.eso.org/~pharriso/ivoa/schema/ResourceSet-v1.0.xsd. However, I  
agree that in principle the xml parser should be able to find this  
out from the namespace of the xsi:type attribute value on the root  
element, but perhaps they do not on purpose.....


Paul Harrison
ESO Garching

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