RofR documentation, status

KevinBenson kmb at
Wed Jun 6 06:41:15 PDT 2007

Looks pretty good Ray. A couple small comments/questions.
In section 3 does OAI have a 'since' typically always used 'from' or 

b.) Section 3 step 1.  Wondering do you really care to harvest with the 
'set' parameter?  The primary purpose of RofR is for other Registries 
(such as Full Registries) to discover publishing Registries to do 
harvests but a Full Registry will contain all Resources, as stated in 
section 4.1 there might be other 'standard' type Resources.  Why not 
just do a ListRecords with no 'set' parameter and get everything (then 
as you say in your steps after the first time use the 'from' with no set 

Section 4.3  Prefer to setup smaller publishing registries that just 
contains Resources it manages and that will certainly go into the RofR, 
and had hoped the Full Registries that does have an OAI interface but 
not really manage any Resources would not necessarily need the 
'vg:Harvest' interface would also find it's way into the RofR. From this 
section I will need to make sure it has a 'vg:Harvest' interface to 
place it into the RofR.  Correct?

You have a sentence: "Second, any full registry can serve this same 
role, since it knows about all other searchable registries."
How does a full Registry know about these other searchable Registries if 
they never made it into the RofR?
I am for your counter-argument, my thoughts were a client application 
that can find all the searchable Registries (such as via RofR) might 
ask/tell the user 'Found a closer Registry. Would you like this to be 
your main Registry?'  But maybe we can tackle this at a later date and time.


Ray Plante wrote:
> Hi RWGers,
> At long last I have finished the first draft of the IVOA Note that 
> explains the Registry of Registries.  You can currently find this Note 
> at
> I'll be submitting this to the document archive soon, but feel free to 
> send me your feedback at any time.  I'll issue a new version as 
> necessary.
> I've found one inconsistancy between the documentation and the 
> implementation as it is right now.  The Note (and various 
> presentations I've given on this) indicated that the OAI set to use to 
> get the registered registries is "ivo_publishers".  The current 
> implementation at 
> actually has configured "ivoa_publishers".  If there are no screams of 
> protest, I would like to change the implementation to be consistant 
> with the documentation (as this would be consistent with our naming 
> convention established with "ivo_publishers").
> As most of you already know, the validater service 
> ( and the OAI interface 
> ( have already been 
> deployed for testing.  The following tasks still need to be completed:
>   o  Correct a bug in the validation of VOResource records
>   o  Enable acceptance of a validated registry into the RofR
>   o  Deployment under the address
> cheers,
> Ray

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