RofR documentation, status

Ray Plante rplante at
Fri Jun 1 01:40:13 PDT 2007

Hi RWGers,

At long last I have finished the first draft of the IVOA Note that 
explains the Registry of Registries.  You can currently find this Note at

I'll be submitting this to the document archive soon, but feel free to 
send me your feedback at any time.  I'll issue a new version as necessary.

I've found one inconsistancy between the documentation and the 
implementation as it is right now.  The Note (and various presentations 
I've given on this) indicated that the OAI set to use to get the 
registered registries is "ivo_publishers".  The current implementation at actually has configured 
"ivoa_publishers".  If there are no screams of protest, I would like to 
change the implementation to be consistant with the documentation (as this 
would be consistent with our naming convention established with 

As most of you already know, the validater service 
( and the OAI interface 
( have already been deployed 
for testing.  The following tasks still need to be completed:
   o  Correct a bug in the validation of VOResource records
   o  Enable acceptance of a validated registry into the RofR
   o  Deployment under the address


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