pay attention to the announcement CTXE.PK more than anywhere

Brett sharrock67e at
Wed May 31 10:03:56 PDT 2006

sttock movements analyzed to give you winning strategies stoock market directions and movements explained


Check the stocck which should exppload: C T X E . P K
Expected price at the end of the week: $1.2 => + 48% Learn stoock market patters that help earn more
This sstock is greeatly recommended by agressive invvestors in a short termm. 
Don't loos a chance to eaarn. Increase your profits in rocketing stoock environment 

Pardon all but theyself All you need is love Tomorrow never comes Haste makes waste. Actions speak louder than words. The bigger the better. No matter how long a log stays in the water it does not become a crocodile 

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