RI 1.0 test Registry

KevinBenson kmb at mssl.ucl.ac.uk
Wed Jul 12 03:35:25 PDT 2006

Some in line comments.  Ray see my first paragraph about RofR and oai 

Ray Plante wrote:
> Hey Kevin,
> On Mon, 10 Jul 2006, KevinBenson wrote:
>> Located at the below url you will find a test registry that conforms to 
>> 1.0.  Feel free to try out various jsp pages, you can use the external** 
>> pages (bottom of menu) to see the full SOAP message coming back. 
> Excellent!  I'm working on the client search library now.
>> OAI url as you can see from the Registry Type is:
>> http://msslxt.mssl.ucl.ac.uk:8080/astrogrid-regtest-1_0/OAIHandlerv1_0
> This is looking good.  (Mind if I use it to test my validater? ;-)
Sure go for it, let me know if I have missed anything :)  Possible Note 
for those implementors with OAI using 3rd party tools, take a close look 
at the OAI namespace several times they put a default namespace at the 
top.  Now that we don't use namespaces for our Resource if you look at 
the  OAI it's as if the Resource element takes on the oai namespace :(   
I had to modify the 3rd party tool I was using.  I believe the RofR you 
have Ray is also putting a default namespace, but when I harvest I tend 
to not look at it.  Just Noting this because it could be a potential 
> I was able to discover your Search WebService interface; however, it's not 
> returning a WSDL via ?wsdl.  
Ahha many thanks yes I had some paths all messed up since I pull wsdls 
and schemas from jars.  It should be corrected now and I ran a WSDL2java 
with axis and it seemed to go.
>> Final Note the adqls->adqlx is a much older translation I am now trying 
>> to work in the 1.0 version.  You should be able to still send 0.7.4, 
>> 0.9, and 1.0 type adqlx to the registry.
> So I'm having trouble supporting ADQL v1.0; there doesn't seem to be a 
> valid schema file ready yet.  What are you using for an ADQL schema (which 
> is why I was groping for your WSDL)?  Is it the same as 
> http://www.ivoa.net/xml/ADQL/v1.0?
Yes there was a time I saw a ADQL v1.0 (granted I think it was just 0.9 
and the namespace changed).  But having a little trouble finding it on 
the ivoa website.   I believe Aurelien put up a xsl for adqlx->sql if 
anybodys interested (same location as the RI spec) . You can see mine here:

> I'm going to see if I can make the best of what's there...
>> Also Ray your samples were mostly good, had one type of validation error 
>> with xerces (maybe you might know on how to fix that):
>> cvc-id.2: There are multiple occurrences of ID value 'UTC-FK5-TOPO'.
>> cvc-attribute.3: The value 'UTC-FK5-TOPO' of attribute 'id' on element 
>> 'AstroCoordSystem' is not valid with respect to its type, 'ID'.
>>     at 
>> org.astrogrid.test.AstrogridAssert$AstrogridAssertDefaultHandler.endDocument(AstrogridAssert.java:344)
>>     at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.endDocument(Unknown 
>> Source)
> Hmm.  I'm not seein' this using Xerces.  Which file was it?  I just 
> rechecked the ones posted at RegUpgradeSummer2006 (including the 
> individual ones and the one's in the tar/zip balls) and they came up fine.  
> Do you have the latest?  
> cheers,
> Ray

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