RI 1.0 test Registry

KevinBenson kmb at mssl.ucl.ac.uk
Mon Jul 10 06:18:23 PDT 2006

Located at the below url you will find a test registry that conforms to 
1.0.  Feel free to try out various jsp pages, you can use the external** 
pages (bottom of menu) to see the full SOAP message coming back. 

I uploaded directly Ray's Samples he made and harvested the RofR.  
**Note the Samples are virtually the same except Namespaces are 1.0 on 
extensions not 0.9 (minus VOStandard which is 0.1).  I also have not put 
in the new CEA 1.0 for validation yet.

Since this is not  a production machine yet, I don't mind giving people 
user&password to access the admin pages for the reg webapp.  This means 
if you create xml files with your favorite editor or decide to edit some 
of the previous resources you can do that with this Test Registry.  Also 
means you can do harvests of other known Registries like RofR or when 
others become available.
Please e-mail me if you want the user&password.


OAI url as you can see from the Registry Type is:
**Whoops just noticed the OAI soap service is missing a class, will get 
to that later.  So you would need to use the http-get url as above (at 
least for a few hours or morning at the latest).

Final Note the adqls->adqlx is a much older translation I am now trying 
to work in the 1.0 version.  You should be able to still send 0.7.4, 
0.9, and 1.0 type adqlx to the registry.

Ray I assume you can put this registry into the RofR.
By the way noticed the RI spec had a slight mistake on the WSDL, 
NotFoundError was in the wrong location will make a correction and 
submit to the same place later this afternoon.
Also Ray your samples were mostly good, had one type of validation error 
with xerces (maybe you might know on how to fix that):
cvc-id.2: There are multiple occurrences of ID value 'UTC-FK5-TOPO'.
cvc-attribute.3: The value 'UTC-FK5-TOPO' of attribute 'id' on element 
'AstroCoordSystem' is not valid with respect to its type, 'ID'.
    at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.endDocument(Unknown 


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