STC in VOResource records

Paul Harrison pharriso at
Fri Dec 15 00:50:27 PST 2006

I have said some of this in private emails - but I am resummarizing  
for the list

On 14.12.2006, at 20:27, Arnold Rots wrote:

> Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that we are using ID/IDREF
> pairs, though that is not essential (as I said before, the issue is
> that the association needs to be unambiguous, not what the particular
> datatype is).

The problem *only* arises because the <AstroCoordSystem> id  
attribute  and the <AstroCoordArea> coord_system_id attribute are of  
ID and IDREF type - it is because the XML parser requires global  
uniqueness of IDs in a document and that IDREFs point to IDs that  
there is a problem with the XML validity of a harvest document,  
because each VOResource record was using "human readable" IDs -e.g.  
UTC-FK5-TOPO that are fine if each VOResource is a document on its  
own, but become a problem for a harvest document of many such  
VOResource elements. However, if these two attributes were typed as  
strings then the XML parser would not try to enforce the uniqueness  
and referential constraints - it would be up to an external system to  
ensure the "STC validity" of a document.

Having the id and coord_system_id attributes as ID/IDREF does not  
anyway guarantee the "STC validity" of a document anyway as all that  
the XML parser checks is that the IDREF points at an ID somewhere  
globally in the document - there is no guarantee that the  
coord_system_id actually points at the id attribute of an  
AstroCoordSystem - it can point to *any* id type - so the following  
document is xml valid, but is obviously nonsense STC as all of the  
IDREFs point at the ObsDataLocation id.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<p:ObsDataLocation id="idvalue0" idref="idvalue0" ucd=""  
xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xsi="http://">
   <p:ObservatoryLocation id="idvalue1">
   <p:AstroCoordSystem id="idvalue3"></p:AstroCoordSystem>
   <p:AstroCoords coord_system_id="idvalue0"></p:AstroCoords>
   <p:ObservationLocation id="idvalue2" idref="idvalue0" >

I had earlier argued for using the xs:unique and xs:keyref schema  
constructs to be used which could potentially be used to define the  
exact scope of these references, but that would require some thought  
as the scope always has to be within one of the global elements of  
STC, which might end up restricting the use of STC itself in other  
schema - in short, this is not a quick solution, but would require  
careful consideration.

In conclusion *not* using ID/IDREF (and making the attributes  
xs:string or xs:anyURI) is IMHO the quickest and simplest solution to  
the immediate problem - it allows all current uses to STC still to  
work, allows the registry harvest document to be valid (with no  
changes) and gives breathing space to come up with a referencing  
scheme that is not directly checked by the XML parser, but by a yet  
to be written STC validator.

Paul Harrison
ESO Garching

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