ESAVO Full Harvestable Registry

Aurelien Stebe Aurelien.Stebe at
Fri Jul 22 07:31:21 PDT 2005

Hi all,

The ESAVO Registry is now ready and installed on a public server.
We would like the Registry WG to test it and make comments
before doing a public release at the end of this summer.

This is a full harvestable registry supporting VOResource v0.10 + 
OpenSkyNode 0.1
Here is the OAI HTTP interface :
the Search Web Service interface :
and the Harvest Web Service interface :

You should note that it is supporting the Sets and returning all resources
if no set is specified, so make sure to harvest using set=ivo_managed.
It does not support resumption tokens yet and use a date only granularity.

The database was populated using a dump of the NVO registry,
then we successfully harvested HEASARC, JVO, NCSA and CDS.
We are having some problems with the other registries.

Two other comments, most of the registries seem to use the VOResource 
namespace on the "Resource"
element when returning records in OAI, while we return it using the 
Registry Interface namespace as for the
Search interface. I'd be happy to change our OAI response, I just want 
to know what should be the right way to do this.
Also, most resources are missing the updated or created attributes 
(sometimes both) which forced us to default
those date entries to the current date. Created might not be very 
important, but updated could be usefull to have.

Awaiting for your comments ...

Aurelien STEBE

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