New helper query interface method

Yuji SHIRASAKI yuji.shirasaki at
Thu Apr 14 05:47:27 PDT 2005

From: Ray Plante <rplante at>
Subject: Re: New helper query interface method
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 05:33:18 -0500 (CDT)
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0504140524380.26162-100000 at>

> On Thu, 14 Apr 2005, Guy Rixon wrote:
> > If we have the query that just returns the list of identifiers, and we have
> > the query that returns the document for one identifier, then we wouldn't need
> > a paging arrangement; the client could do the paging by calling down the
> > documents one by one by identifier. This would be a lot simpler.
> Simpler, yes, but definitely not as efficient as a resumption token.  If 
> the problem is too many result records, then fetching each one-by-one will 
> incur a big performance hit.  

Then, how about defining a interface whitch takes a list of idetnfifiers and
returns a list of the correspoding metadata documents ?

If the client can handle only 100 hundreds of documents, he will first ask 
100 documents by specifying the correspoing identifiers in the arguemnt.
After that next 100 hundreds and so so...

Yuji SHIRASAKI, Research Fellow             +81-422-34-3579 (tel)
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan  +81-422-34-3840 (fax)
Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan                 yuji.shirasaki at

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