New helper query interface method

Paul Harrison pharriso at
Thu Apr 14 00:14:58 PDT 2005

Ray Plante wrote:
> Hi,
> I think it would be good to have an explicit identifier resolver function, 
> even though this is possible directly with the constraint-based search.  
> (In fact, we should define it as being equivalient to a search with the 
> constraint "identifier='{ivo-id}'".)  An immediate use for this would be 
> to check that an authority ID is not already registered; however, I can 
> imagine other applications using this.  
> On Wed, 13 Apr 2005, Matthew J. Graham wrote:
>>But this is exactly the same as the OAI GetRecord method?
> The proposal is to make it specifically part of the Search interface 
> (which should be independent of the Harvesting interface).
> cheers,
> Ray

It would please me! -the majority of the queries that I want to make are 
of this form, and it would save having to create adql for the purpose....

I also think that Yuji Shirasaki's idea of having a search that returns 
a list of identifiers for a query is a potentially good one, and 
possibly even a function that returns the number of matches for a query. 
- This could of course be done with a single query interface function 
but with a slightly extended RQL


Paul Harrison
ESO Garching

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