Error column in VOResource

Tony Linde ael at
Tue May 18 08:45:07 PDT 2004

As an example of just how badly VOTable represents metadata, check out
Francois' example of representing GOODS metadata in VOTable:


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-registry at [mailto:owner-registry at] 
> On Behalf Of Roy Williams
> Sent: 18 May 2004 16:33
> To: Tony Linde; registry at
> Subject: Re: Error column in VOResource
> > I wasn't saying that Martin's was any better but that we 
> should wait 
> > for
> DM
> > to complete so we have a base metadata schema to work from. And that
> schema
> > should be based on XMLSchema not something like the VOTable 
> > TABLE/FIELD construct for which we have to write all new 
> interpreters 
> > instead of starting from standard tools.
> (1) DM is not working on any more data-structure modelling, 
> they are working only on semantic modelling (see architecture 
> document section 4). I do not see any progress on the former, 
> so we are on our own.
> (2) VOTable is perfectly good XML. The problems with the XML 
> tools arise with their restriction to static typing that is 
> compiled in. However VOTable has dynamic typing -- you don't 
> know until runtime what datatypes are in the table.
> However I will point out that if we use VOTable for the 
> header only, then the standard tools work well. This was 
> always the intention: that the header can be used 
> independently to describe table metadata, and the data can be 
> in some other format.

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