Error column in VOResource

Martin Hill mchill at
Tue May 18 08:26:21 PDT 2004

Ray Plante wrote:

> see 
> the SIA spec, section 7.1 
> (  A metadata query 
> returns a VOTable with no rows but all the columns that can be returned.  

Thanks for the link there.  I haven't read through this in detail yet 
(will do, but this is still my day off... :-) but it looks incompatible 
with all other Registry harvestable datacenters...  All other ones 
return VOResource...?

Can't all the metadata stuff in the example in the SIA spec be described 
using WSDL?  Even if a SIAP might be accessed via a URL, it would still 
provide a richer standard way of describing such things! Or perhaps the 
new CEA schema that Paul has been working on.  Using VOTable to describe 
inputs of a service is really not appropriate!  For a start we will have 
to write special VOTable parsing tools to discover how to access SIA 


Martin Hill
07901 55 24 66

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