
Thomas McGlynn tam at
Thu Mar 11 10:54:31 PST 2004

Tony Linde wrote:

>>recipes: "If you have a SIAP service to register, use this 
>>form. To register your project, use this form." etc. To query 
> Yes.
>>Let's get the people in and show them *something* they can use.
> Agreed, but at the moment there isn't enough information in the schema for
> anyone to use the registry except for browsing a list of resources. Or am I
> wrong? 
> Has the NVO project (or anyone else) built or prototyped any way in which
> users can submit a registry query (in whatever form) and have the resultant
> services (even if only data services) automatically invoked? - including
> AstroGrid data services, VizieR services etc? If so, can you point us to it
> - would help to be able to see how this works.
> Cheers,
> Tony. 
Now that 2/3 of the proposals I'm working on are done, I can try
to participate in this discussion!

If you are just interested in invoking services, not only
the DIS service, but all of the Astrobrowse-style services that
use the GLU registry do what you are suggesting.  There were at
least three different clients (at CDS, MAST and the HEASARC)
that used the same registry to invoke tasks on behalf of the user.
All of these are still available as far as I know.  The

The limitation of these services versus the DIS is that they know
essentially nothing about what is returned so they cannot combine
data in any really sensible way.   Also, only very limited metadata
was stored about the services, so it could be hard to guide
users in selecting appropriate services -- though my sense for
services designed to have a human in the loop only fairly
minimal metadata is needed.


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