xsi:type and namespaces

Matthew Graham mjg at cacr.caltech.edu
Fri Jun 25 18:06:46 PDT 2004


Actually a follow-up query from my last message: if I replace an abstract 
<interface> which belongs to the vr: namespace with a xsi:type of
ParamHTTP which belongs to the vs: namespace, should the <interface> also
now belong to vs:?

In other words, start with the default abstract element: 
	<interface xsi:type="vr:Interface"/>
and go to:
        <interface xsi:type="vs:ParamHTTP"/>
Does this cause a change of namespace: 
        <vr:interface> -> <vs:interface>

With substitution groups, there is a change of namespace:
        <vr:Interface> -> <vs:ParamHTTP>



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