A few questions

Matthew Graham mjg at cacr.caltech.edu
Thu Jul 8 13:11:38 PDT 2004


> BTW, I meant to mention that we might consider mandating that the 
> resource element be considered the context of the XPaths so that we can 
> drop the superfluous top node:
>   @xsi:type = 'ConeSearch' AND
>   curation/publisher LIKE 'Hopkins'

This is fine; I assume also that we are not allowing the XPath axes so I
could not do:

@xsi:type = 'ConeSearch' AND descendant::publisher LIKE 'Hopkins'

> Since vs:facility and vr:facility never appear in the same record, could 
> you translate
>    facility = 'HST'
> into 
>    /resource[vr:facility = 'HST' or vs:facility = 'HST']

Yes, this would be possible (omitting the []) but now what if there is
another extension schema vt which also defined facility?

> BTW, I'm okay if we stick with the XML-proper way, and include prefixes.  

If we are going to do the XML-proper way then we need to define what the
prefixes for each namespace are going to be so that everyone uses the



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