UCD elements

Tony Linde ael at star.le.ac.uk
Fri Jul 2 01:25:37 PDT 2004

I agree with Clive. We need some way of saying that version X of registry
uses UCD1 and version X+1 will use UCD2 or whatever. Or each registry says
which versions of individual standards it supports (UCDs, Identifiers, etc).
We certainly shouldn't stuff every variant of every standard into the


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-registry at eso.org [mailto:owner-registry at eso.org] 
> On Behalf Of Clive Page
> Sent: 02 July 2004 09:11
> To: registry at ivoa.net
> Cc: VOTable mailing list
> Subject: Re: UCD elements
> On Thu, 1 Jul 2004, Martin Hill wrote:
> > We will need (at latest when we introduce UCD2 over UCD1+) 
> > simultaneous UCDs of different versions in single metadata 
> documents 
> > (so both older and newer tools can use them).
> Is that really necessary?  As I understand it there is a 
> unique one-to-one mapping from UCD1 to UCD1+, which should be 
> easily encapsulatable in software, or even a Web Service.  
> I'm not sure if that's true too of UCD2, but if it isn't 
> doing conversions is going to be labour-intensive.
> Putting duplicated UCDs of different versions in each data 
> file seems a bit of overkill if that's true.
> --
> Clive Page
> Dept of Physics & Astronomy,
> University of Leicester,
> Leicester, LE1 7RH,  U.K.

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