Cone search interface data

Matthew J. Graham mjg at
Thu Dec 9 10:55:06 PST 2004


A curation issue:

When specifying the metadata for a cone search service, the resource is 
marked as being of type: <vr:Resource xsi:type="cs:ConeSearch"> which 
adds some capability metadata. One then needs to define the interface 
as being of type: <vr:interface xsi;type="ParamHTTP"/>; however, there 
seems to be a practice of not then defining the cone search parameters: 
obviously the assumption is that you have already specified that this 
is a resource of type ConeSearch so its parameters should be obvious.

To my mind, however, this makes the resource record incomplete so 
should we amend the ConeSearch schema so that the parameters are 
automatically included for a ParamHTTP interface? Can we also get all 
the conesearch resource records amended to have the correct parameter 



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