IVOA Identifiers Working Draft

Ray Plante rplante at poplar.ncsa.uiuc.edu
Fri Sep 12 12:31:20 PDT 2003

On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, Tony Linde wrote:
> > however, it is 
> > ultimately the responsibility of the organization to ensure 
> > that it does 
> > not conflict with IDs that have not be registered.  
> > 
> > Is that good enough?
> As long as the non-registered ResourceIDs are not used in VO systems (which
> would try to resolve them) then I don't suppose it matters. Seems a
> dangerous wasy to go though.

I think it is intended (Doug?) that non-registered ResourceIDs would be 
used in VO systems.  That is what led to the discussion of resolution 
schemes that allow you to learn something about the unregistered 
ResourceID (e.g. those 3 ideas for resolving some component of it).  

> > I think the point is that Sa.CXO/2000 is a unique identifier.  At the 
> > moment, the ADEC group is planning to host a service that 
> > resolves such an 
> > identifier into a URL (or URLs).  
> Would be better if they resolved it into the VO ResourceID and then used
> that to get the URL. Or is that what you meant?

The best answer is to see exactly what is intended by the ADEC folks; see 
Alberto's page (which he just distributed):  http://ads.harvard.edu/www/dv/

Can we accomplish the same thing within a VO framework?


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