Resource identifiers

Tony Linde ael at
Fri Sep 12 10:22:42 PDT 2003

Hi Ray,

Yes, your D.1 was what I meant. The registry 'owns' it in the sense that no
other registry can create ResourceIds containing that AuthorityId.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ray Plante [mailto:rplante at] 
> Sent: 12 September 2003 18:20
> To: Tony Linde
> Cc: registry at
> Subject: Re: Resource identifiers
> Hey Tony,
> On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, Tony Linde wrote:
> > I'd like to add my own view of the debate going on in the 
> NVO metadata 
> > list about identifiers but have posted it here for the attention of 
> > the wider audience.
> (I was getting ready to draw you in :-)
> This is an excellent, fairly comprehensive list of 
> statements.  I would 
> urge anyone who disagrees with any of them should respond to this his 
> message directly.  We need to get consensus on these points 
> if we are to 
> proceed.  
> I basically agree all his statements, apart from D.
> > D. an AuthorityId can only be used in constructing a 
> ResourceId by one 
> > registry (the protocol for ensuring this is yet tbd). A 
> registry can 
> > 'own' many such AuthorityIds. The registry will operate its 
> own rules 
> > about who can register resources under any given AuthorityId.
> This is currently a point of debate.  In particular, people 
> have suggested 
> the following:
>   1. An AuthorityID is owned by an organization.  That 
> organization should 
>      not be required to run its own registry in order to create 
>      identifiers with an authorityID it owns.  
>      This relaxation can be easily accommadated if the 
> organization only 
>      uses a single registry to register its resources.  In 
> that way, the 
>      registry can control the creation of identifiers with a given 
>      AuthorityID on behalf of the organization that owns it.  
> This is the 
>      model intended by our prototype registry at NCSA.
>   2. An organization can choose to register different 
> resources with the 
>      same AuthorityID with different registries.  
>      I do not think we should allow this without secure (grid-based) 
>      authentication built into the registration process.  If 
>      an organization sticks with one registry, then that registry can
>      handle authentication itself however it likes.  
> > F. to find out anything about any resource it is simply a matter of 
> > querying any searchable registry and supplying the 
> ResourceId. If that 
> > registry does not replicate that metadata, it can either query any 
> > full registry (one which replicates all resource metadata) 
> or look up 
> > the resource metadata for the originating registry (by searching on 
> > the AuthorityId component) and querying that.
> If we stick with D.1 described above this would still work.  
> cheers,
> Ray

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