extending the registry

Roy Williams roy at cacr.caltech.edu
Sun Oct 5 11:26:27 PDT 2003

I am thinking that people will use the VOResource as a springboard to their
own specialized registry. For example, a collection of educational
resources, with crosslinks to schools and people where they have been used.
It would be harvested and shared within that community. They make a schema
and agree it with their community, called perhaps EduAstro.xsd. This schema
would probably include VOResource.xsd, so they would not need to rebuild all

Then their OAI servers will offer all three metadata formats for each

    -- Dublin Core
    -- VOResource
    -- EduAstro

The widest understanding is DC, next is VOResource, and only the small group
understands EduAstro.

A DC harvester (eg University Library) would just harvest DC. A VO registry
would harvest the more specific VOResource. Only the small community would
have registries that understand EduAstro.

Thus we have a flexible and extensible registry system through the magic of


Caltech Center for Advanced Computing Research
roy at cacr.caltech.edu
626 395 3670

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