Minutes MWG 2003-09-25

Tony Linde ael at star.le.ac.uk
Fri Oct 3 09:02:52 PDT 2003

Hi Tom,

You're right. I was thinking the same but couldn't think of a non-SQL/XQuery
way of formulating the query.

Whatever we do needs to use the schemas that we formulate so that extensions
of the schemas can use the same mechanism. 

I think XQuery is ideal for creating a query that targets schema-based
structures but translating it into SQL would prove difficult. What we need
is an xml-based version of XQuery, which can be easily translated into SQL
for whatever relational implementation that someone has chosen. And for
tomorrow's task...

Something like (using 0.8.2/3tl):

    <document type="linked" alias="a">
      <from name="Service" />
      <to name="DataCollection" />
      <on element="RelatedResource.Relationship"
value="ServesDataCollection" />
      <using element="RelatedResource.RelatedTo.Identifier" />
    <document name="SkyService" alias="b" />
    <document type="linked" alias="c">
      <from name="SkyService" />
      <to name="DataCollection" />
      <on element="RelatedResource.Relationship"
value="ServesDataCollection" />
      <using element="RelatedResource.RelatedTo.Identifier" />
      <clause element="a.Curation.Creator.Name" op="EQ" value="Messier" />
      <clause element="b.Curation.Creator.Name" op="EQ" value="Messier" />
      <clause element="c.Curation.Creator.Name" op="EQ" value="Messier" />
    <element name="a.Table.*" />
    <element name="b.Table.*" />
    <element name="c.Table.*" />

Yeuch! Messy, isn't it. But I doubt we can get away with anything neater
that'll satisfy everyone.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas McGlynn [mailto:tam at lheapop.gsfc.nasa.gov] 
> Sent: 03 October 2003 15:51
> To: Tony Linde
> Cc: amicol at eso.org; 'Roy Williams'; 'Ray Plante'; 
> metadata at us-vo.org; registry at ivoa.net
> Subject: Re: Minutes MWG 2003-09-25
> I think this discussion is getting sidetracked here.
> We've had an example query given in both XQuery
> and SQL
> XQuery
>    <query>
>    { for $b in document("nvo.caltech.edu/registry.xml")/VOResource
>      where $b/Curation/Creator="Messier" and $b/@date<1800
>      return <resource year="{$b/@date}"> {$b/Curation/Title}
>    </resource>
>    </query>
>    select a.resource_id, a.resource_title, a.resource_date
>    from   Resources a, Resources_Curators b
>    where a.resource_id = b.resource_id
>      and b.creator = "Messier"
> Tony commented:
> > 
> > The point is that this only works if you have a table 
> called Resources 
> > and another called Resources_Curators. Our goal was *not* 
> to mandate 
> > the way a registry operated or was structured, only the 
> core metadata 
> > and the way that different registries interoperated.
> but I think this misses the point.  The XQuery specification 
> also needed to know where to search for the records of 
> interest.  Alberto choose to split information into multiple 
> tables but joins across documents or XML elements are likely 
> to be needed for XQuery specifications as well.  [Though I'm 
> still in the dark about exactly how that is specified.]  Each 
> query is readily broken up into three directly comparable 
> elements: what to query, what to return, and what criteria 
> the returned records must match.
> As Tony says, we don't want to specify the internal structure 
> of registries. And that means we don't want to specify that 
> they are stored as XML or as relational databases.  The role 
> of the query language is to convey the semantics of the 
> query.  If we use XQuery and someone has chosen to implement 
> a database in SQL, then somewhere that specification needs to 
> be translated to SQL. If the database is XML documents and 
> our standard specifies an SQL format then the SQL will be 
> needed to be converted to XQuery.  We cannot get around 
> this...  It's pretty clear that some registries are going to 
> be implemented in relational databases -- it's already 
> happened. And it's pretty clear that some databases are going 
> to be implemented in XML -- I think that has already happened too!
> The question that I think we need to be addressing is what 
> specification most cleanly and clearly describes the kind of 
> query we want.  Not because it needs to be human readable, 
> but because we are going to be writing query engines that 
> write these queries and may need query parses to read them.  
> This software will be simpler and more reliable if the target 
> language is simple and clear.  Human readability is a plus, 
> but more as a indicator.  Humans are quite good at parsing 
> languages and if we are having trouble, then it's likely that 
> the software we write to write and parse the language will 
> also have problems.
> The trivial query given above is essentially the simplest 
> interesting query -- though I'd anticipate a good fraction of 
> the real queries will be equivalent. The discriminators are 
> what the more complex queries that we wish registries to 
> address.  I suggested a few in an earlier e-mail with SQL 
> versions.  I don't know what the XQuery equivalents would 
> look like.  Is it easier to translate from SQL to XQuery or 
> vice versa?  I don't know but we're going to have to do one 
> or the other -- or both!
> One final thought.  Should we query registries with a 
> different protocol than we use for simple table queries?  
> Certainly we can make that choice.  However I think that we 
> need to have a clear understanding of why we have chosen to 
> define two distinct protocols if we do so.  From my 
> perspective they are very similar operations but others may differ.
> 	Regards,
> 	Tom McGlynn

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