who is actively developing with VOResource?

Sebastien Derriere derriere at newb6.u-strasbg.fr
Thu Nov 20 08:59:36 PST 2003

  Concerning the metadataPrefix, it seems people are currently using:


  If VO registries are to be included in general OAI archives, maybe
we should adopt a string not likely to be confused with another format 
(i.e. a long enough string, not only 3 letters long?).
  Maybe ivo_vor or something? Could we get an agreement ? Should we

  Now a simple question: I have problems with the resourcekey of an
Trying to validate the following portion of XML:

 I get the following error through the Open Archives Initiative -
Repository Explorer:

Datatype error: In element 'ResourceKey' : Value 'surveys/96.JC.01' does
not match 
regular expression facet

  Is they validation tool buggy or is the regExp malformed in the


   /  ~   /, Sebastien Derriere   mailto:derriere at astro.u-strasbg.fr
  / ~~~~ //  Observatoire de Strasbourg    Phone +33 (0) 390 242 444
 /______//   11, rue de l'universite     Telefax +33 (0) 390 242 417
(______(/    F-67000 Strasbourg  France

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