who is actively developing with VOResource?

Sebastien Derriere derriere at newb6.u-strasbg.fr
Wed Nov 19 05:58:13 PST 2003

Ray Plante wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'd like to hear who is involved in using the VOResource metadata and how
> things are going.  I've been in intense communication with people here in
> the NVO project, but I haven't heard too much from abroad.  Could some
> non-NVO people post a few words?


  I have been working on implementing an OAI-PMH frontend to VizieR.
It should handle 2 different metadata prefixes: 
 - 'oai_dc' for Dublin Core
 - 'ivoa' output compatible with VOResource schema

  In case 'ivoa' is not the proper prefix, what should it be?

  I have to do a few more tests, but I should release a first
version this week for you harvesters out there to try it.

   /  ~   /, Sebastien Derriere   mailto:derriere at astro.u-strasbg.fr
  / ~~~~ //  Observatoire de Strasbourg    Phone +33 (0) 390 242 444
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