Data set metadata schemas

Anita Richards amsr at
Wed Jun 18 01:50:30 PDT 2003

> Hi Anita,
> Thanks for all that. Are these the sum total of changes made to RSMv7? Or do
> you need more time to come up with a full commentary on RSMv7?
> Cheers,
> Tony.

Hi Tony,

I would like to try and get in a couple more data sets - Elizabeth has
sent me an STP one and I would like to tackle HIJ/PASS (even if the
resulting schema is not being used for the Ango-Aus demo) and, funnily
enough, a radio interferometry data set ... Also, I should go back and
look at it with respect to the handful of science cases we broke down in
detail. That is still not comprehensive of course, and I think it is a
mistake if we ever think the schema are finished - although there does
need to be fixed update points.  Most of all, I would like any comments
from others - probably along the lines of 'we have already decided xxx so
drop yyy' or 'you can't DO that in xml!' .  I also need to know opinions
on where we do the unit conversions - at present I get the impression that
Bob was recommending that the Registry descriptions of datasets are in a
restricted set of units, and that sounds sensible to me - that way, we
would only have to do ultra-accurate conversions for the data which were
actually used for each query.

But, give me a deadline and I will produce a more coherent and concise
commentary on RSMv7 - if it is tomorrow it will just be extracted from my
present ramblings...


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