Resource Identifiers: discussion synthesis

Ray Plante rplante at
Thu Jun 5 14:08:30 PDT 2003


I think we have reached a concensus (sufficient for drawing up a working 
draft, which I will do).  The identifier will have 2 forms: an XML tagged 
form and a URI form, and it will be made up of 2 components (Authority ID 
and the Resource Key), both of which are under control of the publisher.  

I would recommend that you have a short section in the RSM prior to the 
definition of the individual items describing the VO identifier (e.g. in 
as few words as I have done above) and referencing the VO Identifier 
Working Draft.  Then for the three items of identifier type, call the type 
VO Identifier.  

The next issue for the RSM, I think, is a review of the major types (or 
"classes", as I've refered to them) of Resources and verifying that what 
we call the generic resource metadata is truely generic.  (This is the 
"Resources = services!" thread that Tony started; see his latest 
installment.)  We can try to wrap up v0.8 first, or try to settle any 
refactoring issues for v0.8.


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