On Authorities...

Niall Gaffney gaffney at stsci.edu
Mon Jun 2 06:44:37 PDT 2003

On Thursday, May 29, 2003, at 02:49  PM, Tom McGlynn wrote:
> I think there's a slight confusion of two issues here as I mentioned
> is response to Arnold: who is responsible for the translation
> of the URI (or whatever) to the current URL and what is the syntax
> of the URI.  You are absolutely right that the ApJ (or UChigago press)
> or some other institution would maintain the registry of astronomers,
> but I don't think we're going to get text like
>    "For reprints contact 14789436 at apjmaillist.org"
> rather we're going to get
>    "For reprints contact TomMcGlynn at apjmaillist.org"
> For printed articles at least, I don't believe the ApJ can
> change the text on the page.  They could use the current
> address in an electronic rendition, but since these may
> get printed it seems like a bad idea.

This is exactly my point with the NYSE ticker. For those of us with 
names that are unique enough thats what we get.  However some will find 
their email symbol name is taken and have to get clever, like SouthWest 
Airlines who is listed as LUV or AT&T that is simply T.  I agree there 
are few enough services that we can probably all get the symbols we 
want, but some of us may have to settle for a slightly different one 
(after all I am niall2 at yahoo.com).

And like the email, these have to be permanent.  As with the printed 
version of an article, we cannot rewrite others code.  So if they 
bookmark a service using its registry ID and fetch its WSDL or 
interface URL dynamically from the registry, it has to be there as long 
as the service is still in existence.



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