Registry wiki pages

Tony Linde ael at
Mon Jan 27 07:35:30 PST 2003

The root page has been moved yet again - seems I missed a page that
Marco had created, so take a look at:


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tony Linde [mailto:ael at] 
> Sent: 24 January 2003 10:40
> To: Registry_Ivoa_List
> Subject: Registry wiki pages
> To (hopefully) make it easier to discuss the structure of the 
> Registry set of standards, I have created a number of starter 
> pages on the astrogrid-hosted IVOA wiki site:
> I have modelled the pages on the W3C approach, especially 
> that of the Semantic Web area. I have listed an initial set 
> of specifications which we might consider as those required 
> for the Registry area:
>     * RegistryMetadata
>     * ResourceMetadata
>     * RegistryQuery
>     * RegistryResponse
>     * ResourceIdentifier
>     * ResourceHierarchy
>     * RegistryLocation
>     * RegistrySynchronisation
>     * RegistryExtension
> This may be far more than we want to tackle, in which case we 
> need to define which ones we do want to work on.
> Anyway, take a look at the pages and let's get the discussion going. 
> Feel free to add your own suggestions to the wiki pages. To 
> do so, you only need to register at:
> If you are unsure how to use the wiki, look at:
> or do the quick tutorial:
> The syntax and shorthand for creating wiki pages are at:
> but you can also use basic HTML (the bits between <body> and 
> </body> in an html page).
> Cheers,
> Tony. 
> __
> Tony Linde                       Phone:  +44 (0)116 223 1292
> AstroGrid Project Manager        Fax:    +44 (0)116 252 3311
> Dept of Physics & Astronomy      Mobile: +44 (0)7753 603356
> University of Leicester          Email:  ael at
> Leicester, UK   LE1 7RH          Web:

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