Registry architecture and id

Marco Leoni Marco.Leoni at
Fri Feb 7 04:41:25 PST 2003

I would add two ideas at the ongoing discussion.

- First is about the implementation of the registry: what about to use 
Jini architecture in order to create a distributed environment where 
each entity can plug-in itself?
Jini architecture will provide a network of services with a look-up 
facility, exactly what we need for the registry (more info at

- Second thing is about ID.
As suggested each entity of the registry will probably have a different 
way-of-sameness, so we can think of  ID as the super class with several 
children, one for each type of sameness:

              |           ID           |
           |                                                   |         
|-----------------|                      |-----------------|             
| ObservationID  | --------------|       FileID         
|---------------|    ServiceID      |-------...
|-----------------|                      |-----------------|             

In this way it could be possible to build something that implements 
different types of sameness-checking related to the entity type.


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