OAI Identifiers

Tony Linde ael at star.le.ac.uk
Thu Feb 6 08:20:25 PST 2003

> List Identifiers (return just the identifiers and dates of most recent
> change)
> List Records (return full records)
> Get Record (return a full record from its identifier).

How do the OAI identifiers relate to the ID discussion?

I guess if the identifier is like an ISBN, it can be used to refer to
multiple copies of the same entity, regardless of location. Does anyone
use OAI for resources similar to archives etc? Ie, *digital* resources
which might be copied and then changed. How do they cope with this?


On Thu, 6 Feb 2003 07:44:20 -0800, "Roy Williams" <roy at cacr.caltech.edu>
> > We surely need to define what services the Registry should
> > provide - and recognise that we don't need to make an
> > exhaustive list now because we should be able to extend it.
> > All registries need to sign up to this set of services -
> > or at least be able to specify what sub-set it adheres to
> In the OAI model, there are exactly six verbs that the registry
> understands.
> The verbs are:
> Identify (who are you)
> List Metadata Formats (what schemas do you have for metadata)
> List Sets (collections hosted by this repository)
> List Identifiers (return just the identifiers and dates of most recent
> change)
> List Records (return full records)
> Get Record (return a full record from its identifier).
> This is a pretty basic set of services!
> If a registry has an OAI interface, it can have others too. ArXiv and ADS
> brought up OAI long after they had their native interfaces.
> In addition to OAI, we would need to define and implement a query
> language
> using additional verbs. If, for example, we define each survey by its sky
> coverage, then OAI provides no way to ask for every survey that covers
> Orion.
> Roy
> --------
> Caltech Center for Advanced Computing Research
> roy at cacr.caltech.edu
> 626 395 3670
Tony Linde                       Phone:  +44 (0)116 223 1292
AstroGrid Project Manager        Fax:    +44 (0)116 252 3311
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University of Leicester          Email:  ael at star.le.ac.uk
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