OAI Coordination (update)

Ray Plante rplante at poplar.ncsa.uiuc.edu
Thu Dec 18 07:48:04 PST 2003

Hi Guys,

Some weeks ago, I sent out a list of items that we need to coordinate on 
when setting up our OAI harvesting interfaces.  I didn't hear any 
objection to any of them over email; however, in a discussion at last 
week's NVO team meeting, we talked about dropping one item and two more 
were added.  I summarize the list below; a full description of each one 
can be found on the Twiki at 

  1. OAI metadata format name for VOResource metadata: ivo_vor

  2. The "root" element for the VOResource metadata should be <VOResource>

  3. Each OAI interface must export one <Authority> record for each 
     AuthorityID it controls.

  4. Each OAI interface must export one <Registry> record describing 
     itself and includes the <ManagedAuthority> element.

  5. Standard Services (ConeSearch, SIA) should include the appropriate 
     Capability sub-element (<ConeSearch> or <SimpleImageAccess>, 
     respectively) even if the element contains no content.

  6. Set ContentLevel to "Research" if you want it chosen by the Data 
     Inventory Service.

On the Twiki, you'll see mention of an item regarding the use of 
identifiers within the OAI wrapper.  This item has been deferred until 
after January as it is not critical. 

Finally, I've spoken informally to a number of you about a change to the 
IVOA Identifier spec.  There has been a request to drop the "+" sign from 
the list of disallowed characters in an Identifier.  No one I've talked to 
has had an objection to this.  Can we drop this restriction for the 
purpose of the demos?


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