[Radioig] Single dish data IG running meting soon !

BONNAREL FRANCOIS francois.bonnarel at astro.unistra.fr
Wed Feb 23 14:13:24 CET 2022

Dear radio IG members,

Our Interets group is organizing a Running meeting about "exposing single dish data in the VO"

Topics discussed will be

1 ) discovery of SDFITS data : via obscore.

Do we have a mapping for that (SDFITS Keywords ---> ObscORE attributes) ?

2 ) is ObsCore enough in all use cases?

3 ) other matters

The running meeting will be organized in two time slots :

       March 7th , 22 UTC (1 hour long) : Peter Teuben (University Maryland) , James Dempsey (CSIRO), Thomas Chamberlin (GBT) + discussion

       March 8th , 12 UTC (1 hour long) : Summary of first slot + Alessandra Zanichelli (INAF), Zheng Zheng (BAO - China) + discussion

Connection details will be given later


Mark Lacy and François Bonnarel

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