[Radioig] Caveat !!!! Re: Meeting page : Running meeting TODAY on discovery and access of time domain radio data

BONNAREL FRANCOIS francois.bonnarel at astro.unistra.fr
Thu Feb 10 11:02:30 CET 2022

Sorry for the subject : There is NO MEETING TODAY ! that was a month ago
That's what happens by using "reply" to a previous email !!!
The NEW informatiion  is about the meeting page which was not public 
until today !
Le 10/02/2022 à 10:57, BONNAREL FRANCOIS a écrit :
> Dear all,
> There was this meeting a month ago on "Discovery and access of radio 
> pulsar data and FRB data use"
> You will find the meeting page with presentations and minutes there:
> https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/JointRIG-TDIGVirtualMeeting
> Follow-up of this meeting will come in the coming weeks
> Cheers
> François for the organizers
> Le 11/01/2022 à 16:29, BONNAREL FRANCOIS a écrit :
>> Le 11/01/2022 à 16:27, BONNAREL FRANCOIS a écrit :
>>> Dear all,
>>> These are the connection details for the meeting today 8 PM UTC
>>> See agenda below
>>> Cheers
>>> François with Mark, Mark, Brent and Ada
>>> Participate to the  Zoom meeting
>>> https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/96736031982?pwd=amJUemc4MTUvT0dhRDJsUDI2UEw3QT09
>>> Meeting ID : 967 3603 1982
>>> Secret code : 1QbFt6
>>> -------- Message transféré --------
>>> Sujet : 	[Radioig] Running meeting next week on discovery and access 
>>> of time domain radio data
>>> Date : 	Fri, 7 Jan 2022 09:51:57 +0100
>>> De : 	BONNAREL FRANCOIS <francois.bonnarel at astro.unistra.fr>
>>> Pour : 	radioig at ivoa.net
>>> Dear TDIG and RadioIG members,
>>> We will organize together a "running" meeting next week :January 
>>> 11th at 20 UTC.
>>> The Topic is "Discovery and access of radio pulsar data and FRB data use
>>> cases : How current protocols work. do we need evolution for Time axis
>>> and radio specificities ?"
>>> Proposed agenda : V.Galluzi : pulsar/transient data at INAF : use 
>>> cases and status report
>>> M.Louys : ObsCore Extension for TimeDomain. Focus on PSRFITS mapping
>>> F.Bonnarel : Discovery and Access strategies for radio timeseries.
>>> ALL : open questions. Formats/datamodels. Next steps
>>> Connection details will be provided closer to the time of the meeting.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Brent Miszalski, Mark Cresitello-Dittmar, (TDIG)
>>> Mark Lacy, François Bonnarel (RadioIG)
>>> Ada Nebot (as CSP chair)
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