[Radioig] Call for presentations at next interop meeting

Mark Kettenis kettenis at jive.eu
Tue Oct 12 16:30:52 CEST 2021

> From: BONNAREL FRANCOIS <francois.bonnarel at astro.unistra.fr>
> Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2021 16:54:40 +0200
> Dear RadioIG members,
> Next interop will be held remotely from 2nd to 4th of November. We are 
> currently organizing a RadioIG session. Beside a report of the 
> activities of the group since the last interoperability meeting there is 
> room for a couple of  "ten minutes"-long presentations on any topic 
> dealing  with interfacing   radio-astronomy data archives with the 
> Virtual observatory.
> This can be feedback on development of new services, projects of archive 
> integration, proposals for evolution of existing standards or creation 
> of new ones, etc ...
> Best regards
> Mark Lacy RadioIG chair
> François Bonnarel Radio IG vice-chair

Hi Mark & Francois,

If there is time I would like to discuss the proposal from Francois to
"extend" ObsCore with Radio-specific information by using a separate
table for these properties and doing an ADQL JOIN operation on an
existing ObsCore column.

There are some challenges for VLBI visibility data with that approach
since the underlying data sets of most VLBI arrays contain multiple
targets which have to be represented as multiple rows in ObsTAP.  My
proposal would be that I give a short (<5min) presentation sketching
the problem and possible solutions and then have a (short) discussion
to fill the remainder of a 10 minute timeslot.

(Already briefly discussed within the ESCAPE context)



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