[Radioig] Interesting 10, 5 years old report on RadioAstronomy in the VO

François Bonnarel francois.bonnarel at astro.unistra.fr
Mon Oct 5 13:54:20 CEST 2020

Hi Anita, all

Le 05/10/2020 à 13:13, Anita M S Richards a écrit :
> Hi Francois,
> Indeed I have been following the revival of the Radio VO group with 
> great interest.  It was never just my document, I remember many 
> educational discussions led up to it including with you - and with 
> Paul Harrison, who is now the e-MERLIN VO expert and following the 
> IVOA RIG.  It is good to see that workable solutions are being 
> implemented.
> Actually I have a question:  please what is the best link to find 
> recent developments in this area - i.e. any reports or similar which 
> are accessible for an astronomer who is not a high-level software 
> expert?  For example, I am involved in an ALMA Large Programme and 
> whilst I am sure that Felix and Mark et al. ensure that the ALMA 
> archive follows VO standards, we also will publish additional data, 
> and in my RadioNet hat, I encourage people to publish data used for 
> tutorials etc. to Zenodo; it would be good to have something up to 
> date to point them at.

I'm afraid nothing organized exists yet. What you are asking for is 
apparently the rationale for the implementation note project we are 
currently discussing in the group (there is a second session of Friday's 
meeting tomorrow at 4 PM UT)



> Thanks for waking me up and all the best
> Anita
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dr. A.M.S. Richards
> Senior visiting fellow, JBCA, University of Manchester, M13 9PL
> a.m.s.richards at manchester.ac.uk (please do not use old  @jb.man.ac.uk 
> email)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* radioig-bounces at ivoa.net <radioig-bounces at ivoa.net> on behalf 
> of François Bonnarel <francois.bonnarel at astro.unistra.fr>
> *Sent:* 05 October 2020 11:39
> *To:* radioig at ivoa.net <radioig at ivoa.net>
> *Subject:* [Radioig] Interesting 10, 5 years old report on 
> RadioAstronomy in the VO
> Dear all,
>         More than ten years ago , Anita Richards working at JBO and
> Merlin wrote an internal note to adress the question of
> radio interforemetry in the VO :
> https://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/SiaInterface/Anita-InterferometryVO.pdf. 
> This document is heavliy burried in the cellar of the DAL web pages but
> is worth while reading.
>         Anita is registered on this radio ig mailing list despite the
> fact she had to move to other activities than VO. So this an opportunity
> for me to say Hello to her, if she reads us !
>         By reading the paper it's interesting to see that for discovery
> and access of radio data some of the things described here have been
> actuallly done by development of ObsTAP/SIA2/Dataink and SODA , but that
> some other ideas fir discovery  are along the lines of the discussions
> we had on Friday (and will have tomorrow) and what we are discussing
> since the Comittee of Science Priorities launched the idea of renewing
> the effort for Radio Astronomy in the VO last year in Groningen.
> Cheers
> François
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