[Radioig] IVOA RIG Zoom meetings Friday 2nd Oct 10:00UT *and* Tuesday 6th Oct 16:00 UT

Philippe Salomé philippe.salome at obspm.fr
Wed Sep 30 16:04:06 CEST 2020


Philippe Salomé 
LERMA, Observatoire de Paris
+33 1 4051 2103

> Le 30 sept. 2020 à 15:23, Mark Lacy <mlacy at nrao.edu> a écrit :
> Hi All,
> A reminder of our next radio interest group zoom meetings this Friday 2nd Oct at 10:00UT and next Tuesday 6th Oct at 16:00UT, and the link:
> [removed link]
> (the link contains an embedded passcode, so although you should feel free to circulate it to interested parties, please do not post it to a public website).
> Cheers,
> Mark
> On 9/24/20 11:12 AM, Mark Lacy wrote:
>> Hi All, 
>> As some people can't make the 2nd at the 10:00UT timeslot I will do as I did last time and we'll have two meetings with the same agenda, the original 2nd Oct 10:00UT and one on Tuesday 6th Oct 16:00 UT. Hope you can all make at least one of those slots. I will send out zoom details nearer the time (they are changing the security on the NRAO zoom rooms next week, so I want to make sure I send out the correct details). 
>> Cheers, 
>> Mark 
>>> On 9/17/20 11:16 AM, Mark Lacy wrote: 
>>> Hi All, 
>>> Francois and I have been discussing the next steps for the IVOA Radio Interest Group, and we would like to hold another Zoom call on Friday 2nd October at 10:00UT/6am EDT (10:00UT seemed to be the better timeslot for most people based on our first call). If you can't make the call, please place any ideas/comments in the Slack - ivoa.slack.com in the radioig channel. 
>>> Topics to discuss: 
>>> * Implementation note for radio data in the VO - we would like to document the current efforts to implement radio data in the VO. If you have an implementation and can write a paragraph or two describing it we will assemble these into a document to post to the IVOA site. 
>>> * Planning a future workshop on VO implementation, targeted to software developers from radio astronomy archives. 
>>> * Common needs for the various types of radio data in the VO environment (visibility data, single dish spectroscopic & imaging data, pulsar data), for example, description of data provenance, typical use of frequency vs wavelength etc. 
>>> I'll send around the Zoom details nearer the time. 
>>> Cheers, 
>>> Mark 
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