[Media] 28 Feb. deadline for IAU registration and abstracts to FM14 is coming soon!

Fabbiano, Giuseppina gfabbiano at cfa.harvard.edu
Wed Feb 21 16:19:14 CET 2018

Thank you Chenzhou for reminding us.
Do we need a volunteer to coordinate and submit the abstract?
Please come forward THIS WEEK.
Something on media group as outreach would be a timely IVOA talk for this

NOTE: this deadline come before the exec telecon.


On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 2:36 AM, Chenzhou CUI <ccz at bao.ac.cn> wrote:

> Dear Pepi and IVOA exec,
> Should we prepare an abstract for the FM14 at the IAU GA?
> I submitted an abstract about the DAEPO WG in which IVOA education is
> mentioned.
> Cheers,
> Chenzhou
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject: 28 Feb. deadline for IAU registration and abstracts to FM14 is
> coming soon!
> Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2018 15:30:12 -0500
> From: William Waller <williamhwaller at gmail.com> <williamhwaller at gmail.com>
> To: Sze-leung Cheung <cheungszeleung at oao.iau.org>
> <cheungszeleung at oao.iau.org>
> CC: Mike Simmons <mikes at astronomerswithoutborders.org>
> <mikes at astronomerswithoutborders.org>, samir at iucaa.in, Thilina
> Heenatigala <heenatigala at strw.leidenuniv.nl>
> <heenatigala at strw.leidenuniv.nl>, Andrew Fraknoi <fraknoiandrew at fhda.edu>
> <fraknoiandrew at fhda.edu>, Sylvie Vauclair <sylvie.vauclair at irap.omp.eu>
> <sylvie.vauclair at irap.omp.eu>, Beatriz Garcia <beatrizgarciautn at gmail.com>
> <beatrizgarciautn at gmail.com>, Mark Subbarao <msubbarao at adlerplanetarium.
> org> <msubbarao at adlerplanetarium.org>, Chenzhou CUI <ccz at bao.ac.cn>
> <ccz at bao.ac.cn>, AAS Press Officer Dr. Rick Fienberg
> <rick.fienberg at aas.org> <rick.fienberg at aas.org>, Kevin Govender
> <kg at astro4dev.org> <kg at astro4dev.org>, Oana Sandu <osandu at partner.eso.org>
> <osandu at partner.eso.org>, Lina Canas <lina.canas at nao.ac.jp>
> <lina.canas at nao.ac.jp>
> Dear IAU FM14 SOC+ folk,
> If you are still intending to participate in the 2018 IAU GA, I would like
> to strongly encourage you to get your registration done (deadline is 28
> Feb.).  Also, I would like to encourage you to submit an abstract for a
> poster paper that will inform our oral deliberations.  Submitting such an
> abstract will also qualify you to apply for a grant.  I have just done this
> in hopes that our part of the larger poster session will be robust and
> lively.
> Sze-leung and I will be talking very soon in hopes of getting the oral
> sessions firmed up.  We'll report back ASAP.
> Looking forward,
> Bill Waller
> On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 7:13 AM, Sze-leung Cheung <
> cheungszeleung at oao.iau.org> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I hope all of you had a great summer. Bill and I both enjoyed a great
>> eclipse in the US and I know many of you did too.
>> ********UPDATES OF THE PROGRAM*********
>> Bill and I has discussed a few times over the program, and taken the
>> consideration of the balance of time and message that we want to deliver,
>> the effectiveness of speaker and audience interaction, and concluding goal
>> we want to achieve - addressing the IAU's role, understand latest
>> challenges and bridging different communities. The attached file summarize
>> the program structure that we propose.
>> We have also had some discussion regarding the issue of contributed talks
>> vs invited talks in the given limited time, and we think a ratio of 30-70
>> would be a right balance of quality control and attracting participation.
>> In addition, we want to expand theme 4 to a concluding remark and also
>> addressing the new IAU strategic plan 2020-2030 that is under drafting at
>> the moment. There are a few items about astronomy outreach are already
>> included in the draft, we would like to make use of the FM to discuss on
>> the implementation aspect. Bill also suggested that we could start the
>> discussion on IAU's role on climate change to aim to pass a resolution in
>> 2021 IAU GA.
>> ********NEXT STEP AND YOUR ACTION****************
>> As you have signed up previously, shall we break into small group
>> discussions according to the theme? For the next steps, we need to identify
>> invited speakers, apart from yourself, could you suggest some potential
>> speakers and their topics according to the theme below:
>> Theme 1 - Bridging the Astronomy Research and Outreach Communities –
>> Recent Highlights, Emerging Collaborations, Best Practices and Support
>> Structures
>> Sze-leung, Oana Sandu, Chenzhou Cui, Sylvie Vauclair
>> Theme 2 - Communicating Astronomy in our Changing World
>> Bill Waller, Mike Simmons, Mark Subbarao, Lina, Oana
>> Theme 3 - The IAU National Outreach Contacts (NOC) Network – Coordinating
>> and Catalyzing Astronomy Outreach Worldwide Sze-leung Cheung, Thilina
>> Heenatigala, Lina, Mike Simmons, Samir
>> Theme 4 - Outreach Action and Advocacy in the Context of IAU’s 2020-2030
>> Strategic Plan (in coordination with the IAU Executive Committee, Division
>> C, OAO, and OAD)
>> This is new, but I assume myself, Kevin, Rick, Beatriz and Lina will be
>> involving this due to our role in the IAU structure. But anybody is welcome.
>> Theme 1 and 3 please send suggestions to me; theme 2 please send
>> suggestions to Bill.
>> Please let me know if I miss anyone.
>> For your reference I am attaching the draft of IAU strategic plan for
>> your information. Please note that it is still a WORKING DRAFT so please
>> use it with cautions. The remark you saw were the comments from the OAO
>> send to the IAU WG.
>> *********INDIVIDUAL RESPONSES********
>> Chenzhou - IVOA involvement would be great, do you mean setting IVOA as a
>> co-organizer of the FM? Do you mean supporting this as a organization
>> instead of individual? Sure, I have no problem in that, in such case,
>> perhaps we should include other organization's contribution too? Mike -
>> AWB? Mark - IPS?
>> Andy - about funding to join the FM, unfortunately we don't have any
>> budget for this FM, however the IAU GA grant is open so you can apply
>> through the official channel. Or do you think it is something we have to do
>> to raise some funds for this FM?
>> Oana - Yes please join to organize the training session, at present Pedro
>> has a different view on the setup of the sessions, please let's work
>> together on that.
>> Mike - theme 3 actually IS about the IAU NOC. However, we do have
>> something to learn from other international networks, and how to coordinate
>> different networks and efforts should definitely address in the discussion.
>> Thanks everyone again. And we are looking forward for your suggested
>> speakers and other ideas.
>> Best Regards,
>> Sze-leung
>> On 2017/08/11 3:23, Mike Simmons wrote:
>> Since AWB has many years of "coordinating and catalyzing astronomy
>> outreach worldwide" I'd be glad to pitch in there as well, unless it is
>> only about the IAU NOC.
>> Mike
>> Mike Simmons
>> President, Astronomers Without Borders
>> 26500 West Agoura Road, Suite 102-618, Calabasas, CA 91302, USA
>> Phone: +1 818 597-0223 <%28818%29%20597-0223>
>> Cell : +1 818 486-7633 <%28818%29%20486-7633>
>> Email: mikes at astronomerswithoutborders.org
>> Skype: mikeawb
>> Web: www.astronomerswithoutborders.org
>> On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 8:22 AM, William Waller <williamhwaller at gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>>> Thanks Sylvie, Mark, and Thilina for your preferences.  So far, we have
>>> ...
>>> Theme 1:  Oana Sandu, Chenzhou Cui, Sylvie Vauclair
>>> Theme 2:  Bill Waller, Mike Simmons, Mark Subbarao
>>> Theme 3:  Sze-leung Cheung, Thilina Heenatigala
>>> Of course, you can double-dip if you so desire ;-)
>>> Others?
>>> Bill Waller
>>> On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 4:55 AM, Thilina Heenatigala <
>>> heenatigala at strw.leidenuniv.nl> wrote:
>>>> Dear Bill, Sze-leung,
>>>> Thank you for putting this together. All themes are quite appealing.
>>>> But I'd like to focus on theme 3: The IAU National Outreach Contacts (NOC)
>>>> Network. As the NOC of Sri Lanka and spending some time at OAO this year, I
>>>> could contribute more towards this theme.
>>>> Looking forward to discussing further.
>>>> Cheers!
>>>> Thilina
>>>> On 02/08/2017 07:53, William Waller wrote:
>>>> Dear IAU FM14 SOC members,
>>>> I have attached some thoughts for organizing ourselves going forward.
>>>> We were given 4 sessions on one day, each session lasting 1.5 hours.  I am
>>>> recommending that each of us choose which theme(s) to focus on.  Sze-leung
>>>> and I look forward to your responses.
>>>> Thank you for your contributions to organizing an attractive and
>>>> consequential meeting on international astronomy outreach.
>>>> Bill Waller
>>>> On Mon, May 29, 2017 at 9:18 PM, Sze-leung Cheung <
>>>> cheungszeleung at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>> I'm happy to let you know that our IAU GA proposal is accepted and is
>>>>> announced on the IAU webpage
>>>>> https://www.iau.org/news/announcements/detail/ann17021/
>>>>> It is reduced to a one-day (5.5 hours) focus meeting, I will let you
>>>>> know when I have more details.
>>>>> Looking forward to work with you!
>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>> Sze-leung
>>>>> On 2016/12/16 8:09, Sze-leung Cheung wrote:
>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>> Thanks everyone for the comments, support and joining us as the SOC on
>>>>> the proposal. Please kindly see below the final submission.
>>>>> Let's finger crossed.
>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>> Sze-leung
>>>>> -------- Forwarded Message --------
>>>>> Subject: IAU Letter of Proposal - FM: IAU’s role on global astronomy
>>>>> outreach, the latest challenges and bridging different communities by
>>>>> Sze-leung Cheung
>>>>> Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2016 22:55:33 +0000
>>>>> From: International Astronomical Union <no-reply at iau.org>
>>>>> <no-reply at iau.org>
>>>>> To: cheungszeleung at iau.org, john.hearnshaw at canterbury.ac.nz,
>>>>> piero.benvenuti at unipd.it
>>>>> This is an email sent automatically by the iau.org webserver
>>>>> notifying you about the submission of a new Letter of Proposal.
>>>>> A copy of this email is sent to the Proposer, the IAU Assistant
>>>>> General Secretary and to the Coordinating Division President.
>>>>> Proposer details
>>>>> Last name Cheung
>>>>> First name Sze-leung
>>>>> Email cheungszeleung at iau.org
>>>>> Address IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach
>>>>> C/O National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
>>>>> 2-21-1 Osawa, Mitaka
>>>>> 181-8588
>>>>> Tokyo
>>>>> Japan
>>>>> Proposed Meeting Details
>>>>> Category: FM
>>>>> GA meeting: yes
>>>>> Title: IAU’s role on global astronomy outreach, the latest challenges
>>>>> and bridging different communities
>>>>> Start date: 2018-08-23
>>>>> End date: 2018-08-24
>>>>> Location: Vienna
>>>>> Country: Austria
>>>>> Coordinating division: Division C Education, Outreach and Heritage
>>>>> Other divisions:
>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>> SOC Co-Chairs
>>>>> First Name Last Name Institution Country
>>>>> Sze-leung Cheung IAU OAO/NAOJ Japan
>>>>> William H. Waller The Galactic Inquirer United States
>>>>> SOC Members
>>>>> First Name Last Name Institution Country
>>>>> Kevin Govender IAU OAD/SAAO South Africa
>>>>> Samir Dhurde India Deputy NOC / IUCAA India
>>>>> Thilina Heenatigala Sri Lanka NOC / Universe Awareness Sri Lanka
>>>>> Andrew Fraknoi Foothill College United States
>>>>> Lina Canas IAU OAO/NAOJ Japan
>>>>> Sylvie Vauclair IRAP France
>>>>> Richard Tresch Fienberg IAU Commission CC2 / AAS United States
>>>>> Oana Sandu ESO Romania
>>>>> Chenzhou Cui IAU WG Data driven astronomy education and public
>>>>> outreach / NAOC China Nanjing
>>>>> Mark SubbaRao International Planetarium Society / Adler Planetarium United
>>>>> States
>>>>> Beatriz Garcia IAU Commission CC1 / Argentina NOC Argentina
>>>>> Mike Simmons Astronomers Without Borders United States
>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>> Editor(s) of Proceedings
>>>>> First Name Last Name Institution Country
>>>>> Sze-leung Cheung IAU OAO/NAOJ Japan
>>>>> William H. Waller The Galactic Inquirer United States
>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>> LOC Chairs
>>>>> First Name Last Name Institution Country
>>>>> LOC Members
>>>>> First Name Last Name Institution Country
>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>> Expected participants: None
>>>>> Registration fee:
>>>>> Expenses covered by registration fee
>>>>>     Transport to/from airport or station: no
>>>>>     Transport to/from airport or station: no
>>>>>     Coffee Breaks etc. no
>>>>>     Conference Dinner: no
>>>>>     Proceedings: must be included in the registration fee.
>>>>> Expected price of Hotels and other accomodation
>>>>>     4 and 5 stars:
>>>>>     2 and 3 stars:
>>>>>     Other:
>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>> Scientific Justification
>>>>> Key topics:
>>>>> 1. The IAU National Outreach Contacts (NOCs) Network
>>>>> 2. Global astronomy outreach program update
>>>>> 3. Bridging the astronomers and the outreach communities
>>>>> 4. Big data astronomy outreach, and scientific visualizations
>>>>> 5. Astronomer-amateur (Pro-Am) collaboration
>>>>> 6. Citizen Science projects
>>>>> 7. Latest challenges of astronomy communication
>>>>> 8. Communicating astronomy for social benefit
>>>>> Abstract:
>>>>> The IAU, with its more than 10,000 members, is the largest
>>>>> organization of leading professional astronomers in the world. It is
>>>>> paramount to find constantly new innovative and effective ways to link
>>>>> astronomers with the astronomy outreach community, ultimately to facilitate
>>>>> the flow of cutting edge astronomy research to reach the general public.
>>>>> Therefore the IAU has placed organizational efforts focused on outreach and
>>>>> education in recent years. One of the investments made by the IAU was to
>>>>> create the IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach (OAO) and the IAU National
>>>>> Outreach Contacts (NOCs) Network.
>>>>> (1) The IAU GA is an excellent occasion to allow different NOCs gather
>>>>> and address the astronomy outreach issues nationally, look for common
>>>>> ground and foster collaborations. Instead of a closed door meeting, we aim
>>>>> to open the floor and discussions to all IAU members and GA participants,
>>>>> so that everyone can also join the efforts and work on challenges with each
>>>>> NOC.
>>>>> (2) This meeting will also address the scientific issues that both the
>>>>> astronomers and the outreach communities can work together on, such as big
>>>>> data astronomy outreach, citizen science projects, and Pro-Am
>>>>> collaborations.
>>>>> (3) A third objective of the meeting is to address common issues faced
>>>>> among both communities, leveraging the work begun in 2009 with the
>>>>> International Year of Astronomy, and to share the strategies and successes
>>>>> in both long-term and more recent projects in the field.
>>>>> (4) Finally, we will also convene stakeholders in Astronomy
>>>>> Communication for exploring ways in which we can optimally serve the
>>>>> diverse needs and interests of people worldwide.
>>>>> Rationale:
>>>>> Acknowledging the existence of a gap between professional astronomers
>>>>> and the outreach communities, the IAU organized the International Year of
>>>>> Astronomy in 2009 (IYA2009) started to place the very own building blocks
>>>>> for the networks and facilitate collaborations among these two communities
>>>>> that we still see today. This work continued in the last decade by the
>>>>> Office for Astronomy Outreach (OAO), Office of Astronomy for Development
>>>>> (OAD) and Division C and its commissions.
>>>>> ============================
>>>>> The IAU National Outreach Contacts
>>>>> ============================
>>>>> Today, the IAU National Outreach Contacts (NOCs) Network evolved from
>>>>> the IYA2009 is organized by the IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach, more
>>>>> than 70 NOCs serving onboard to connect the IAU with the national network
>>>>> of educators, communicators, professionals, amateurs, planetarium and
>>>>> public observatory communities. The IYA2009 has proven that a global
>>>>> network of outreach coordination played a vital role in astronomy outreach,
>>>>> and the subsequent global projects NameExoWorlds and the Cosmic Light
>>>>> Programs for the International Year of Light 2015 organized by the IAU also
>>>>> verified the need.
>>>>> The IAU GA is an excellent occasion to allow the NOCs to meet, not
>>>>> only to discuss their work with the IAU outreach community but to share
>>>>> with the IAU members at large. The GA also provides a unique face-to-face
>>>>> meeting that allows different NOCs to interact and learn from each other,
>>>>> and even to promote regional collaborations. Instead of having a business
>>>>> meeting, we believe that it is beneficial for all the IAU members to join
>>>>> the discussions and learn the astronomy outreach situation in each country.
>>>>> ====================================
>>>>> Bridging astronomers and outreach communities
>>>>> ====================================
>>>>> Since the major participants of the IAU GA are astronomers, we also
>>>>> have put the meeting focus on leveraging meaningful collaborations between
>>>>> the astronomers and outreach communities. Many astronomers are busy with
>>>>> research, and institution policy frequently only considers scientific
>>>>> output as the only professional indicator. On the contrary, outreach
>>>>> communities and amateur astronomers have the experience and time for
>>>>> outreach work, but they sometimes lack knowledge of the latest professional
>>>>> research. To help the situation, we will address specific topics on the
>>>>> common edges of professional astronomers and professional outreach
>>>>> communicators, focusing on big data science outreach, data visualization,
>>>>> citizen science and Pro-Am project collaborations. The works presented and
>>>>> discussions carried will have an emphasis on the sustainability aspect of
>>>>> these collaborations – with best practices and key cases highlighted.
>>>>> The IAU recently established the Working Group on Data-driven
>>>>> astronomy education and public outreach (under Division B), to address the
>>>>> outreach related to the era of big data astronomy. With the development of
>>>>> many mega-science astronomical projects, for example CTA, DESI, EUCLID,
>>>>> FAST, GAIA, JWST, LAMOST, LSST, SDSS, SKA, and large scale simulations,
>>>>> astronomy has become a Big Data science. Astronomical data is not only a
>>>>> necessary resource for scientific research, but is also a very valuable
>>>>> resource for education and public outreach (EPO), especially in the era of
>>>>> Internet and Cloud Computing. This meeting is a good venue to discuss the
>>>>> common practices, guidelines, curriculums, data resources, tools, and
>>>>> e-infrastructure for data-driven EPO.
>>>>> Many citizen science projects were developed by astronomers and
>>>>> outreach professionals working together. These projects have proved to be
>>>>> very engaging with the public and have produced valuable scientific
>>>>> results. Planetariums are also a common place for showcasing big data and
>>>>> for producing real-time renderings of data that provides a common ground
>>>>> for the astronomy research and outreach professionals to work together.
>>>>> In the past years, there are also growing trends for amateurs to
>>>>> support the professional research enterprise. Examples include
>>>>> variable-star monitoring, occultation timing, Comet ISON observation
>>>>> campaigns, Jupiter asteroid impact monitoring, Juno mission support etc.
>>>>> The IAU GA will provide ideal conditions for us to gather, to place
>>>>> experts in both fields, each bringing to the table their different
>>>>> backgrounds and expertise with a shared outcome – understanding how the
>>>>> IAU, through its existing extensive network of professional astronomers and
>>>>> outreach communicators, can provide the standards, best practices and
>>>>> continued support for engaging the wider global community in astronomical
>>>>> discovery.
>>>>> ====================================
>>>>> Communicating astronomy in the changing world
>>>>> ====================================
>>>>> As the new millennium heads towards its second decade, many changes
>>>>> have simultaneously transformed Astronomy and the human condition
>>>>> world-wide. Exoplanets have become so commonplace, that most stars are
>>>>> thought to be hosts of planetary systems. Galaxies have been found with
>>>>> look-back times exceeding 13 billion years, thus constraining the epoch of
>>>>> galaxy formation to just a few hundred million years after the Hot Big
>>>>> Bang. And the first positive detections of gravitational radiation from
>>>>> merging black holes have opened up a whole new window for investigating the
>>>>> cosmos. Amid these amazing astronomical developments, the human condition
>>>>> on Earth has become blazingly interconnected, yet beset with
>>>>> ever-increasing problems of over-population, pollution, and never-ending
>>>>> wars. Fossil-fueled global climate change has begun to yield perilous
>>>>> consequences. And the displacement of people from war-torn nations has
>>>>> reached levels not seen since World War II.
>>>>> In this meeting, with the presence of professional astronomers, NOCs
>>>>> with worldwide background and outreach professionals in attendance, we
>>>>> would endeavor to reconcile the latest challenges in astronomy
>>>>> communication, and address different social issues using astronomy outreach
>>>>> -- such as meeting the challenges of climate change, superstitions, and the
>>>>> wounds of war.
>>>>> Some topics for discussion (in addition to engaging research
>>>>> astronomers in effective outreach) may include communicating astronomy in
>>>>> underdeveloped countries; engaging and supporting refugee populations
>>>>> through astronomy; navigating the current landscape of astronomy media --
>>>>> from press releases and traditional media to e-magazines, blogs, and
>>>>> videos; and exploring the role of astronomers in building awareness of
>>>>> anthropogenic climate change as a planetary phenomenon.
>>>>> The OAO and OAD work very closely on the astronomy for development.
>>>>> While the OAO builds and shares capabilities for effective astronomy
>>>>> outreach worldwide, the OAD can take the advantage of the OAO’s
>>>>> capabilities to implement astronomy for development projects.
>>>>> =========
>>>>> =========
>>>>> This IAU GA Focus meeting will take place between the bi-annual
>>>>> “Communicating Astronomy with the Public (CAP)” conference organized by the
>>>>> IAU Commission CC2. The major participants of the IAU GA are mostly
>>>>> professional astronomers, while the CAP conference participants are mostly
>>>>> professional astronomy communicators. The SOC co-chair of this FM is also
>>>>> the SOC co-chair of the CAP conference; therefore he can build a link
>>>>> between the two different meetings while taking into consideration in the
>>>>> program design the different target audience for the proposed meeting.
>>>>> With the strong support and access from different IAU divisions,
>>>>> commissions and working groups, and also our partners and flagship player
>>>>> in the field, namely the Astronomers Without Borders and International
>>>>> Planetarium Society, we believe this meeting will foster very fruitful
>>>>> dialogues.
>>>>> Another proposal submitted by the IAU OAD is also complementing this
>>>>> proposal by enabling discussions on building synergies between different
>>>>> IAU structures (OAD, OAO, Office for Young Astronomers, IAU Divisions etc).
>>>>> ==========
>>>>> ==========
>>>>> Outcomes of the presentations and discussions will include a helpful
>>>>> roadmap for future work by the NOCs, along with possible guidelines for
>>>>> implementing effective research-based astronomical outreach worldwide. The
>>>>> IAU OAO will act as the facilitator of this meeting, will promote the
>>>>> discussions and exchanges through different channels, such as the CAP
>>>>> Journal, IAU Astronomy Outreach Newsletter and IAU social media. The
>>>>> contributed papers will be fully archived on the Focus Meeting for open
>>>>> access. As discussed above, the discussions will be continued and linked to
>>>>> the future CAP Conferences.
>>>>> Program outline:
>>>>> (Topics may include, but are not limited to):
>>>>> (Assuming the GA will include a plenary session, and thus 3 sessions
>>>>> available for the FM each day)
>>>>> =====Day 1=====
>>>>> Session 1 – The IAU structure for global astronomy outreach and
>>>>> National outreach programs
>>>>> • Overview of the IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach
>>>>> • Overview of the National Outreach Contacts (NOCs) Network
>>>>> • Short presentation by each NOC present
>>>>> Session 2 – National outreach programs (continued)
>>>>> • Short presentation by each NOC present (continued)
>>>>> Session 3 – Latest challenges of astronomy communication
>>>>> • Short presentations on different global and national projects
>>>>> [could be replaced by summaries of posters]
>>>>> • Panel discussion on common challenges and ways forward
>>>>> ======Day 2=====
>>>>> Session 4 – Common interests of the astronomy research and outreach
>>>>> communities
>>>>> • Big data astronomy outreach, standards and practices
>>>>> • Citizen science programs
>>>>> • Scientific Visualizations
>>>>> Session 5 – Common interests of the astronomy research and outreach
>>>>> communities (continued)
>>>>> • Pro-Am collaborations
>>>>> • Case studies
>>>>> • Panel discussion, in particular on the professional recognition of
>>>>> outreach work done by astronomers and ways to foster collaborations
>>>>> Session 6 – Communicating Astronomy in the changing world
>>>>> • Communicating the ever changing astronomy
>>>>> • Astronomy and social challenges (addressing climate change,
>>>>> superstitions, war-torn populations)
>>>>> • Final conclusion
>> --
>> Sze-leung CHEUNG
>> International Outreach Coordinator
>> Office for Astronomy Outreach, International Astronomical Union
>> Office: 310 South Building, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
>> 2-21-1 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo, 181-8588, JAPAN
>> Tel: +81-(0)422-34-3896 <+81%20422-34-3896> | Mob: +81-(0)80-9274-2454 <+81%2080-9274-2454> | skype: cheungszeleungcheungszeleung at oao.iau.org | www.iau.org | www.nao.ac.jpfacebook.com/IAUoutreach | @IAU_org
> --
> William H. Waller, Ph.D.
> Scientist, Teacher, Writer, Editor
> 243 Granite Street
> Rockport, MA  01966
> (978) 546-2096
> <http://galacticinquirer.net>
> <http://sites.google.com/site/sciencegazette>
> <http://cosmos.phy.tufts.edu/cosmicfrontier>
> <http://darkskyastrotourism.blogspot.com/>

Giuseppina Fabbiano

*Senior AstrophysicistHarvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics*
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